This captivating black and white photograph was taken during a surf trip to Spain, on the beaches of northern Galicia. It transports us to the heart of the action, capturing the exhilaration of a surfer riding a powerful wave. The image exudes a sense of adventure and daring, as the surfer fearlessly navigates through the stormy waters. At the heart of the composition, a man balances gracefully on his surfboard, skillfully riding the crest of a wave. With unwavering focus and expert technique, he captures the viewer’s attention. Her presence in the image is striking, representing the indomitable spirit of those who dare to conquer the ocean. Around the central figure, the immensity of the ocean extends to the horizon, blending harmoniously with the white foam of the wave. The monochromatic nature of the photograph intensifies the contrast between the dynamic movement of the water and the static serenity of the surrounding environment. In the background, a solitary figure, possibly a man, can be discerned in the water. Wearing a wetsuit, he bears witness to the allure of the ocean, recalling the joy and tranquility found in its depths. Working on this photograph was a real pleasure. It captures not only the essence of the surfing experience, but also the exhilaration and beauty of riding the powerful waves of Galicia. It remains a timeless testament to the human spirit’s unwavering desire to connect with the powerful forces of nature.
Focal length F/8
Temp exposure 1/2000 sec
Iso – 400
Focal distance 330 mm
Max opening 5
Dimensions 1723 x 1761
Resolution 300 ppp
Date 08.09.2016

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